
发布日期:2024-05-07 11:01 访问次数: 信息来源:威海市体育局 字号:[ ]

Weihai is scheduled to host the China Weihai Hobie Open Regatta & Hobie 16 Asian Championship from June 15th-17th, 2024. The regulations of the competition are hereby announced as follows:

I. Name

2024 China Weihai Hobie Open Regatta & Hobie 16 Asian Championship

II. Date

June 15th-17th, 2024.

III. Hosting Institutions


International HOBIE Class Association (IHCA), 

Chinese Yachting Association, 

Shandong Province Administration of Sports, 

Weihai Major Sports Events Organizing Committee


Weihai Municipal Sports Bureau,

Weihai Hi-tech Zone Management Committee

IV. Competition Venue

i. Venue Race

International Bathing Beach, Weihai, Shandong Province, China.

The reference coordinates of the racing area:

(1) N 37°33.738,E 122°00.309;

(2) N 37°31.889,E 122°01.318;

(3) N 37°34.054,E 122°01.251;

(4) N 37°32.217,E 122°02.415.

ii. Long Distance Race

(See Annex for the race map)

V. Number of Boats

The Local Organizing Committee (LOC) will provide 30 HOBIE-16 sailboats; Participants are allowed to bring their own boats.

VI. Class

The competition consists of open class series and long-distance race, with master class rankings in open class series. 

VII. Eligibility Criteria

7.1 The regatta is open to HOBIE sailing athletes and amateurs who respect China’s national sovereignty and abide by China’s current laws, regulations and customs, as well as having legal nationality and identification. 

7.2 Athletes shall be in good health conditions, have the physical conditions to participate in the HOBIE regatta, and voluntarily assume all adverse consequences and legal responsibilities resulting from concealing their physical conditions or incorrectly assessing their physical conditions for participation. We kindly reject people who are unwell or infected with strong infectious virus to participate in this competition.

7.3 Sailing competition has certain risks. Athletes should fully understand the risks that may be faced by participating in water sports, especially sailing, and voluntarily bear the risks. Athletes must constantly monitor their physical condition. In case of acute disease before the competition, athletes should immediately take the initiative to give up the competition; in case of chest tightness, chest pain, panic, nausea, dyspnea, abnormal fatigue and other conditions during the competition, stop the competition immediately and seek help from the nearest medical point or staff. According to Article 4 of the world Sailing Federation competition rules, the contestants shall bear personal injuries and financial losses before, during and after the competition. The competition organizing committee shall not be liable for the above injuries and losses caused by the contestants' personal reasons.

7.4 The LOC provides 30 boats with priority for registration of IHCA members who paid their fees in 2024, and priority for rented boats for those who paid their fees this year. Non-members of this year and non-members may bring their own boats to participate or use rental boats if available.

7.5 Skipper born before January 1st, 1980, may participate in the master class rankings.

VIII. Competition Rules

VIII.1 Execute Rules

The regatta shall follow the rules as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) 2021-2024 and IHCA Class Rules. In case of any ambiguity in the translation, the Chinese version shall take precedence.

VIII.2 Race Officials

The regatta shall hire international and national Race officials who meet the international competition standards to rule the competition.

VIII.3 Advertisements

The sailboats shall display the advertisements of the LOC. Participants are prohibited to exhibit their own advertisements through various channels. If there is a demand, participants must consult with the LOC and obtain written consent.

VIII.4 Regatta sailboat check

During the competition, the sailboats may be checked at any time, and each boat should comply with IHCA Class Rules.

VIII.5 Sailing Instruction

Sailing Instruction will be released and issued during Captains’ Meeting.

VIII.6 Sailing Course

The attachment shows the course. The course will be released at Captains’ Meeting.

VIII.7 Scoring

Execute Low Scoring Method (Appendix A in RRS). Score will come into effect after each race is completed. The races are planned to be conducted in 6 rounds. When fewer than four races are completed, the total score of the boat shall be the boat’s final score; if more than five (including five) races are completed, the worst round’s score will not be calculated, and the final score will be the sum of the rest rounds. The Long Distance Races are ranked individually after one round.

VIII.8 Security Boats

Support boats shall be marked with “H’® flag.

VIII.9 Wireless Communication

Except for emergencies, the regatta sailboats shall not send and receive voice or data transmissions other than the voice or data transmissions sent uniformly to the regatta sailboats.

VIII.10 Event Insurance

In view of the risk factors existing in the competition, it is recommended that participants purchase professional sports competition insurance with valid third-party liability insurance, covering the regatta period and area by themselves, with the hospitalization medical insurance compensation amount no less than 80,000 CNY and death insurance compensation amount no less than 900,000 CNY. The LOC will purchase the Public Liability Insurance for the participants, without extra charge.

VIII.11 Safety Suggestions

It is recommended to use a hookless suspender device that conforms to the ISO10862 standard or a quick-release suspender and hook cable. It is recommended to use the helmet that conforms to the European standard EN1385.

VIII.12 Balance Weight Arrangement

Participants are required to bring their own weights and auxiliary equipment such as lead blocks. Rules require all classes to weigh no less than 285 pounds (129.3kg).

VIII.13 Penalty

For the HOBIE 16 class RRS 44 is changed so that the Two-Turn Penalty is replaced by the One-Turn Penalty. Decisions of the international jury will be final as provided in RRS 70.5.

VIII.14 Dispute Resolution

If there is any dispute about the referee's punishment or competition scores, the participants or his/her team leader shall submit a written statement or arbitration to the referee within 30 minutes after the end of the games. No more appeals and arbitration will be accepted 30 minutes after the end of the games. After verification, if there is improper religious or political behavior, or if there is improper way to file a claim and take an improper form that cause bad social impacts, the involved should be dealt according to Opinions on Further Regulating the Behaviors of Sports Arenas by the General Administration of Sport of China (2018, No. 9) and included in the personal credit report. Anyone who violates the law shall be investigated according to law.

VIII.15 Force Majeure

Due to uncontrollable factors such as earthquakes, storms, safety, disease, etc., the LOC may issue other regulations related to the competition until the competition is cancelled. The LOC does not assume any legal responsibility for the consequences arising therefrom.

IX. Reward Systems

IX.1 Open Class

The top 8 winners will be awarded 65,000 CNY in total. Prizes will be given as follows:






20,000 CNY

5th Place

5,000 CNY

2nd Place

15,000 CNY

6th Place

4,000 CNY

3rd Place

10,000 CNY

7th Place

3,000 CNY

4th Place

6,000 CNY

8th Place

2,000 CNY

If the registered teams are less than or equal to 10 teams (6-10 teams), the admission ranking will be reduced by 3.

If the number of registered teams is less than or equal to 5 (4-5 teams), only the first place will be admitted.

If the number of registered teams is less than or equal to 3, no ranking will be accepted.

The above prizes are pre-tax bonuses. The first eight places will be awarded trophies.

IX.2 The Master's class award the top three with trophies, no prize money is provided.

IX.3 The long distance race awards the top six with trophies, no prize money is provided.

IX.4 All ranking prizes will be awarded with trophies.

X. Schedule

Race rounds will be announced before race. There will be no preview signal after 15:00 June 17th.









Before 12:00

Weihai Linhai Hotel

Referees’ Registration




Before 13:00

Weihai Linhai Hotel




Weihai International Beach

Sailboats and Racing Site Visiting



Weihai Linhai Hotel

Captains’ Meeting





Weihai International Beach

Sails Raising and

Lining up



Weihai International Beach

Opening Ceremony



Weihai International Beach – Weihai Bay

Long Distance Race



Weihai Bay - Weihai International Beach

Return Voyage





Weihai International Beach

Captains’ Meeting



Weihai International Beach

Venue Race



Weihai International Beach




Weihai International Beach

Venue Race




Weihai International Beach

Captains’ Meeting


Weihai International Beach

Venue Race


Weihai International Beach



Weihai International Beach

Venue Race


Weihai Linhai Hotel

Awards Ceremony

XI. Fee Description

XI.1 Entry Fee

1,200 CNY entry fee per team.

XI.2 Charter Fee

1,500 CNY per sailboat. The LOC will transfer the charter fee to the boat owners.

The LOC shall charge a separate deposit of 2,000 CNY for each sailboat at the registration site. If the leased vessel or important parts are damaged, the leased team shall compensate at the market price.

XI.3 Transportation Expense

The transportation expense shall be borne by the participants.

XI.4 Accommodation Expenses

1) The LOC shall provide free accommodation from June 14th to 17th for the top 3 teams in all previous HOBIE World Championship and the winner teams in all previous Asian Games HOBIE sailing races. The teams shall cover the accommodation at their own expenses if over the stipulated time.

2) Accommodation booking information will be provided before June 1st, and the LOC will assist in providing preferential accommodation: 300 CNY/day for standard room, 320 CNY/day for single room and 580 CNY/day for business suite. The room rate includes breakfast for two people, and check out before 2 PM. Hotel buffet 50 CNY/person standard.

3) Lunch during the competition and dinner at the award party will be borne by the LOC.

XI.5 Preferential Policies

Entry fees and Sailboat charter fees will be waived for the top 3 teams in all previous HOBIE World Championship, the winner teams in all previous Asian Games HOBIE sailing races, and the winner teams of open class in all previous China Weihai HOBIE Open Regatta.

If the event sponsor forms a team, the registration fee and charter fee will be waived according to the amount of sponsorship.

XI.6 Payment

The entry fee and charter fee shall be paid to the account designated by the LOC by telegraphic transfer or bank transfer.

Account Name:  威海市帆船协会

Weihai Sailing Association

Bank Name:  中国银行股份有限公司威海分行文化名居分理处

Bank of China Limited Weihai Branch Wenhua Mingju Sub-branch Office

Account Number: 228613271562

Please note "×× and ×× entry and charter fee" when transferring or telegraphic transfer, and call +86-631-5127389 to confirm after payment.

XII. Entry and Registration

XII.1 Entry

1) All participants shall complete entry before May 30th. The successful entry shall be confirmed by the LOC.

2) All participants shall sent the entry form to the email address, and call Mr. Xia Dongxiao  (tel: +86-13666307719) to confirm the entry information. Need more help, please contact +86-631-5817333 .

XII.2 Registration

All participants must complete registration before 13:00 on June 14th.

Place:   Weihai Linhai Hotel

Address: 39 Dao Road, Huancui District, Weihai City, Shandong Province, Phone: +86-631-5677555

Contact:  Mr. Dongxiao Xia.

Tel: +86-13666307719.

XIII. China Weihai HOBIE Open Regatta will be held on the second weekend of June every year. Please pay attention and make the make arrangements for the regatta in advance.

XIV. The unmentioned issues shall be formally notified by the LOC.


1.Venue Race Map

2.Long Distance Race Map

3.Entry form

Weihai Major Sports Events Organizing Committee

30 April, 2024

Annex 1

Venue Race Map



Reference coordinate

1. N 37°33.738   3. N 37°34.054

E 122°00.309     E 122°01.251

2. N 37°31.889   4. N 37°32.217

E 122°01.318     E 122°02.415

Annex 2

Long Distance Race Map


Annex 3Annex 3.docx

Team Entry Form



¨Rent/¨Bring own boat






Date of Birth




Certificate Type

ID Number

Healthy Condition


(Fill in blood type, allergy history or other important information)

Working Organization & Position


Phone Number

Emergency Contact Person & Phone No.  

Race experience and results:






Date of Birth




Certificate Type

ID Number

Healthy Condition


(Fill in blood type, allergy history or other important information)

Working Organization & Position


Phone Number

Emergency Contact Person & Phone No.  

Race experience and results:

Other Information

Arrival Date & Time




Flight/Rail NO.

Departure Date & Time

Departure Airport/Station

Departure Flight/Rail NO.


Type & Number


Date & Time  


Date & Time

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